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22a Totland Road

Rolemop creates live and digital art for theatre, film, installations, exhibitions, and events. Rolemop Creatives' seek out the most talented, diverse and creative artists for new collaborations.

Our Work

Rolemop has been creating performance, installations, audio-visuals, and workshop programs since 2006.

Here are some examples of our work, click each image to learn more about our projects.

Snakes and Ladders Tour

Snakes and Ladders Tour



Skydome Tour 2011

Skydome Tour 2011

Broken Loops

Broken Loops

Tackling Interviews Workshop Program

Tackling Interviews Workshop Program



Kemble's Riot

Kemble's Riot

Memories of Mermaids R&D Project

Memories of Mermaids R&D Project

The Secret Agent

The Secret Agent