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22a Totland Road

Rolemop creates live and digital art for theatre, film, installations, exhibitions, and events. Rolemop Creatives' seek out the most talented, diverse and creative artists for new collaborations.

Memories of Mermaids R&D Project


Rolemop's Kerri McLean (writer/director/performer) undertook research and development for her Memories of Mermaids performance piece during 2014 with inner-city intergenerational communities in Brooklyn New York, and Haringey/Tottenham London by her asking people about remembered accounts of folk tales and stories from childhood. Kerri connected with;

  • Bedford Church Caribbean Elders Groups in Flatbush, New York
  • Artists based in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn in New York
  • With Community days at Bruce's Castle, Tottenham, London
  • Jackson's Lane Youth Group (digital storytelling workshop), London
  • Story Telling workshops with children at Marcus Garvey Library, Coombes Croft Library and St . Ann's Library, Tottenham.
  • Haringey West Indian Cultural Centre, Haringey, London.

Summer time saw Kerri, as part of an artist-in-residency at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Tottenham, develop the new show harnessing her research and collaborating with a range of artists and musicians including critically acclaimed jazz musician Byron Wallen, Jack Ross and Augustin Cross.

We presented 3 work-in-progress shows at The Brighton Dome, London's Library Club and at Bernie Grant Arts Centre during 2014's Black History Month.