Audio Visuals
Rolemop offers audio visual services for commercial, community, and artistic projects. Editing, animation, and audio production, see below for a selection of our work. If you would like Rolemop to create audio visuals for your project then please email the team at
Premiering during the Brighton Digital Festival 2013 Glimmers is a storytelling phone installation that takes place in and around the streets of Brighton (coming to a city near you). Part radio play, part adventure game it is a location specific story event for festivals. Severe solar electric storms are causing electromagnetic disruption to the space-
time continuum. These storms cause future phone messages to be lost across time, appearing now, ever so briefly in the areas they were sent from. The Glimmers app works as a conduit for these telecommunication anomalies, locating the lost messages around Brighton and saving them to your iPhone. Part narrative, part treasure hunt, it uses the GPS capabilities of your phone to create a fantasy sci-fi storytelling event.