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22a Totland Road

Rolemop creates live and digital art for theatre, film, installations, exhibitions, and events. Rolemop Creatives' seek out the most talented, diverse and creative artists for new collaborations.

Broken Loops

Broken Loops immersive theatre show was performed at Workshop44 in Hackney and The Old Vic Tunnel's Vaults Festival in 2012.

Written by Alex Buckley & Directed by Kerri McLean


Broken Loops performed at Wokrshop44 in Hackney and had 6 performances at The Old Vic Tunnels as parts of The Vault Festival 2012.

Broken Loops is an exploration of memory, meaning and identity: with a performance style that combines digital interactive technology, projected films, and theatre in new ways, providing a window into the memories of its characters.

The narrative plays out inside Fairmile, an old social club the characters attended when Steve, the father, worked at the affiliated cement works. It is an old workingman’s club, untouched since the 1990’s, and filled with the past events of the two characters. Inside a world of darts, bingo games, cheesy music and heavy drinking is a forgotten history that takes Rose and Cheryl on an emotional journey, revealing secrets both bleak and beautiful.